Five separate beta testing sites received Akadeum product and compared it to their existing magnetic cell separation workflow. Purity was reported by users to be comparable or better than the two market-leading products.
Akadeum Purity
Magnetic Purity
Compared To
Key Takeaways
97.8 %
99.3 %
Miltenyi MACS
High Purity Isolation of B Cells Successfully Differentiated to Plasma Cells
72.8 %
73.6 %
STEMCELL Technologies
High Purity Isolation of CD4 T Cells by Akadeum Microbubbles vs. Magnetic Bead Technology
92.8 %
85 %
STEMCELL Technologies
Cell Function Confirmed After High Purity Mouse B Cell Isolation With Akadeum Microbubbles
90.4 %
90.1 %
Miltenyi MACS
High Purity Isolation of B Cells
81 %
84 %
Miltenyi MACS
B cell purity improved from 36% of non-enriched sample to 81% following fast and easy enrichment. Enrichment was on par with that of Miltenyi’s kit (both viability and purity). Importantly, the BCR percentages were similar to starting material meaning the isolation didn’t disturb these receptors or skew the population which was isolated.