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Healthier Cells.
Better Therapies.

The Alerion™ Microbubble Cell Separation System leverages microbubble technology for isolation of healthier cells to enable better therapies.
For meaningful outcomes.

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Meet AlerionTM

Confidence in a system to make the most of your sample.

The AlerionTM

One Platform: R&D to Clinical

  • System scales from product development to commercial manufacturing
  • From sample to isolated cells in < 60 minutes
  • Simplicity in design reduces use(r) risk
  • Same semi-automated workflow regardless of negative or positive isolation

Increase Throughput

  • Process two samples at once
  • Optimized angle and speed are gentle on cells

Healthier Cells

  • Optimized bubble lifting for best-in-class cell recovery
  • Gentler separations without pelleting cells

Quality Compliance

  • Medical-grade screen allows cleaning protocol compliance
  • Run reporting capability with 21 CFR Part 11

Intuitive Software for You

  • Customizable mixing and spin profiles
  • User-specific logins

Purposeful Engineering

  • Medical grade and gamma irradiated plastics
  • Tubing compatible with existing tube welders and sealers

Microbubble Collection Chamber

  • Simplifies positive selection workflows
  • Bubble and antibody-bound cell collection chamber

Cell Isolation Chamber

  • Simplifies negative selection and depletion workflows
  • Unbound cells collection chamber
Akadeum Kits

Kits for R&D to Clinical Scale

  • RUO, GMP, Clinical Ready kits
  • Third party FDA-registered manufacturing

First negative selection at scale

  • Untouched cells: Eliminates concerns of particles bound to cells
  • Positive Selection and Depletion available

Engineered to Drive Processes Forward

Patented, paradigm-changing technology

  • Simplicity engineered: reduce risk of instrument downtime
  • Easy set up and run democratizes access and ability
  • True walkaway capability
  • Manufacture more doses in less time: lower labor and manufacturing costs

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The Highest Capacity, Fastest and
Most Gentle Cell Separation System. Ever.

  • First at scale negative selection
  • Capacity of up to 100 billion cells
  • 5X faster: less than 1 hour sample to cells isolated
  • Process two leukopaks simultaneously
  • 100x lower forces on cells: healthier cells
  • Workflows for positive selection and depletion
  • Customization capability

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AlerionTM Microbubble Cell Separation System

Clinical Ready for Allogeneic or Autologous Workflows

Accelerate your pipeline with automated high throughput kits

  • RUO, GMP and Clinical Ready kits
  • Alerion™: ISO 13485
  • 21 CFR 11 compliant software, medical grade screen
  • BioRise™ Consumable: GMP, USP Class VI Plastic
  • Compatible with tube welding systems: closed systems
  • Reduce risk of process changes and comparability from stage to stage
  • Shorten transfer time between R&D to process development to clinical
  • The Alerion™ and BioRise™ are used in all stages of RUO, GMP, and Clinical Ready commercialization

Request More Information

The Future of Cell Separation
is Here.

You need a cell isolation method that repeatably and reliably achieves purity, yield and healthy cells at every scale, at every stage, with the right quality of reagents. Achieve this with the gentleness of microbubbles on the Alerion™.

  • Higher recovery of healthier T cells to enhance CAR-T research
  • Negative selection at scale eliminates concerns over particles bound to cells
  • Reduce cell impurities and improve transduction efficiencies
  • Compatible with instrumentation already present in your facility
  • Readily optimize to your workflow and starting material

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A Solution for Allogeneic
and Autologous Workflows

Tested. Proven. Repeatable.

150 Donors processed

Repeatable and robust performance with donor variability, fresh and cryopreserved materials

10 Collaborators

5 therapy developers and

40 Billion cells

Processed Simultaneously

10 Leukopaks processed

In one 8-hour shift by a single user

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